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Shalom Aguila


I am a young Colombian artist starting this careerin the world of color, born into a family of artists and talents, I carry the flag ofthe new generation to leave my mark and show that what we do with passion and love is eternal.

My vision of Art

I am a faithful believerthat art makes the world a better place, not by fantasy,rather because Ithink that what makes us feel alive is what we should bet on. In art we find allthat, itis an escape from the world, itis a way to purify our heart and let outthrough it everything that we keep and cannot express with words.

Passion is my personal stamp For me artis everything, and if God has done so many wonders, how much more can we do that we have been created by the best artist. My biggest wish is to be able to reach many young people who dream of a future in this and inspire them to believe.

Passion is my 
personal stamp

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